Sunday 3 June 2012

Class #9 Reflection

I have to admit that I was somewhat nervous about the start of this class because I knew that we would have our next major assignment given to us.  What would it entail?  How challenging would it be?  Would we be able to work with partners or on our own?  These were some of the questions that went through my mind.  And then, I saw the assignment and honestly, I panicked when I first saw it.  I thought- how am I going to do that?  It seems way too much!  This is going to be a terrible assignment!  Then, Barbara talked about it and showed us the blog example and immediately, I got excited.  It looked like fun and right away, I started to make a list of things that we could add to our unit.  I was very excited that Stephanie, Karla and Barbara and I got to work together.  I’ve worked with Karla and my sister a number of times on projects and papers and we work so well together.  Barbara and I have worked together once in this class and we are a great team as well as we both think alike.  The four of us immediately broke up the assignment and started researching different topics and different areas (such as iTunes, Google, and YouTube).  We thought a lot about students that we have worked (and are working with presently) with and asked ourselves- what would best support them?  I know for myself, I thought a lot about programmes, websites and ideas that I have used in my own classroom, such as Kidspiration, Wordle, CCRSB Library website, Reading A-Z and my Poetry unit.  Many of these ideas have been used for students who need further support and these students have met with success and have enjoyed using them.  By the end of the night, we had a great variety of ideas added to our blog.  Plus, we made up a list of things to add next week, mostly things that we hadn’t yet completely finished, such as adding our links for apps, but I was really pleased with how much we accomplished in one evening.  Great teamwork!!

If you haven't seen the Library website found on, it is definitely worth a look!  It has tons of information and much of the text is text to speech enabled.  Check it out!


  1. Hi teamie!

    YES! I think we made a GREAT team! Our blog is coming along nicely! :)

  2. I must agree we do have a pretty awesome group! Posts were just flying up on our blog that night! Great work team, it is going to be a very valuable resource as I teach Science 7 next year!
