Saturday 26 May 2012

Class #8 Reflection

This week our class started with a great discussion on the Edyburn article (please see my reflection below).  We were then divided into groups and watched 3 videos on the topic of Misunderstood Minds, found on the blogspot:
My group watched videos of 2 different students, Nathan and Sarah Lee.  We created a PowerPoint of these stories:

The video of Nathan really touched home because I have seen situations very similar to his story of the years of teaching early elementary.  These students try so hard and find many different ways to survive in school and unfortunately, do not always find success.   There are many different avenues for parents and schools to reach in order to find support, but I believe that more is desperately needed.  I have seen, and heard, of cases in which parents and students are on waiting lists for over a year, just for their child to be seen.  What happens to these children in the meantime?  It is frustrating for teachers and parents in not being able to do all that you can in this time (you want to do more but don’t always know what to do) and it must be devastating for the child him/herself.  I do realize that the education system has come a long ways (I think back to when I was a student.  Peers who were labelled “bad” or “class clowns” now I likely realize had a learning disability that was never diagnosed) but we have a long road to travel.  I really liked the second story of Sarah Lee because it showed her successes after a year of therapy and it was wonderful to see the change in her self-esteem!

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