Saturday 28 April 2012

Our students need more

I read this article in this morning’s paper.  I find it so disheartening that parents of children with special needs have to fight for their children to receive the education that their child needs.  Through the years, I have seen many parents forced to defend their child’s right to be educated (by this I mean to receive an education that is personalized so the child can achieve success).  What I have also seen, and bothers me more, is so many parents who do not know to do this and as a result, their child struggles at school.  Now, as a teacher, I know that teachers, administration and schools’ hands are tied- we do the best we can with what we are given.  We need more support, we need more technology and parents and students should be able to access funds to purchase AT for use at home.  Schools, parents, and our students need more.  I think this article is an excellent example of this sad situation.

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