Sunday 22 April 2012

Nicole's Picks- #1

This app is designed to assist in correctly forming numbers and both upper and lower case letters.  With letters, users are first introduced to the letter name and the sound it makes.  With numbers, they are told the number and then the correct number of objects appear as a visual for that number.  The user is then shown the correct forming of the letter/number.  Circles with arrows are placed at the start and stop points of the letter/number.  The user is then prompted to make the letter/number twice, following the start/stop circles.  If the user does not correctly form the letter/number, a sound tells them that they need to follow the prompts.  For the third time, the user must make the letter/number on their own.  If they make an error three times, an arrow line serves as a visual reminder of the order to make it. 
This app is extremely user friendly.  Users can easily work on his or her own using this app and it would be ideal for correct letter/number formation reinforcement at home.  The colors and display are bright and colorful and there are a number of different displays used.  For example, there may be a grass line to build one letter or number.  Another time, the user might have a pipe or fireworks line. 
Designed by Boreaal, this app is just $2.99 and is compatible with iPhone, iPad,iPod Touch.  Users can also first try the free LetterSchool Lite app, which offers 5 upper and 5 lower case letters as well as 5 numbers.  This app provides the user with a trial run of the fuller version. 
I highly recommend this app!

LetterSchool website:


  1. Nicole, this app sounds really neat, I will definitely share with elementary teachers! The free trial version is always nice so one can try it out before paying!

  2. I have shown it to my staff and several colleagues from other schools; so far, I've heard only great things about it! :)

  3. Nicole, thanks for sharing this app with us. I like that either numbers or letters can be the subject matter. I also like knowing that the "lite" version exists for trial purposes.
