Monday 4 June 2012

Bridges Website

Here is a great website with tons of resources and ideas!  I really liked it as it has information on AT as well as UDL.  Many of the programmes and supports that we have discussed in class are found on this site as well.  Bridges is a Canadian company, made up of trained professionals.  This is taken from their site: "Bridges is a team of professionals that draws on a combined 100+ years of direct experience within the augmentative communication system and school systems to create effective Assistive Technology solutions.  The Bridges team is nationally and internationally known as having extensive knowledge of Assistive Technology products, for being a resource to educators and professionals and for delivering high quality professional development.  The Bridges team also includes a network of trainers from coast to coast."

Here is the link to their site:

1 comment:

  1. This looks like an awesome site. I was looking at the Youdle kits and I think they would be very useful in my classes. I like that they do not require an internet connection as my school's is not always reliable. It would be good to supplement the other online resources and apps.
