Wednesday 2 May 2012

NS Department of Education Assistive Technology Resources

I went online this week to our province’s website and found several different resources on AT… sad to say, I didn’t think of checking out this resource til now! 
I attached a link under my Website section for the information sheet from the NS DoE.  It’s entitled- Access to Learning and it discusses what constitutes assistive technology and learning outcomes, as well as different AT categories.  It is a good resource for teachers to share with parents of students who are using AT. 
There is also an AT guide from the DoE, found under Student Services.  I tried to download the PDF but it can’t be accessed right now.  I went looking in my office’s library and did find it.  It’s from 2006, so I am guessing that it is being updated as much of the information, while useful, is not complete.  There is no mention of AT tools, such as iPads and iPods.  While it mentions hi-tech educational technologies such as word processor software, it does not list these programs, such as Co-Writer.  
What I did like in this guide is that there is some great information for teachers to access, such as low-tech, middle tech, and high tech tools.  As well, there is information with the program planning process.  What I especially liked is the sections in the appendices, two in particular- a parent and a student information sheet.  These two forms assist in the student’s planning process.  One parent question is: describe any AT devices used successfully by your student.  One student question is: what AT products have you tried, or would like to try? Even though this guide is somewhat outdated, these forms would be very beneficial in planning a student’s plan.

I am attaching the link to NS DoE Student Services.  Some of these links are for AT, Gifted and Talented (another great resource), enrichment and inclusion guides and fact sheets.  Check it out!


  1. I love your blog design Nicole! And I especially love your opening quote:-)

    Thank you very much for posting this link. I did not think to look on the NS DoE site either (although I did look on the CCRSB AT site and it had some interesting information also).

    Oh!! I just noticed your opening quotes change. How did you do that??

  2. Thanks, Toni for the compliment! I'd like to take credit for the changing quotes, but its a gadget- if you look under gadgets, called its inspirational quotes. :)
