Saturday 26 May 2012

Nicole’s Pick: Skill Builder Speller

iPhone Screenshot 1

This app is designed to support spelling.  There are 10 different spelling list.  What is unique about this app is that the user creates their own list, which allows the lists to be more meaningful and applicable to each person.  The lists can be changed regularly.  Once the list (or lists) has been inputted, the user chooses the list for the game.  Then, there are two different options for the user- classic or jumbled.  In the classic game, the user is shown the word to spell and once the user types in the first letter on the keyboard, the word disappears and the user must spell the word from memory.  In the jumble version, the spelling words are jumbled and they must unscramble the words.  Once spelled, the user hits the button ‘next’ and the next word is shown until all words are spelt.  Once the list is completed, the user is shown their results (how many words they spelled correctly).  
The user is timed, so to make the game more challenging, the user could also practice his/her speed in spelling the words.  A great feature is that any words that were spelled incorrectly, the user’s attempt of that word is also shown so they can see where they are struggling.
I really like this app as you can set up lists for students in your class to practice words that they are struggling with.  I have also used it for “No Excuse” words so my students can practice correctly spelling these words.  It’s a great app to work on sight words for students, as well as unit words for higher grades in subjects such as Science.  Also, this app is free!  I have stressed with my students not to worry about the time as this could be a stressor for some students.  This feature is the only part that I am not crazy about as some students do focus on it and then have gotten upset when others ‘beat’ their scores.  But I do believe that this is definitely a worthwhile app to download as it is a wonderful opportunity for students to work on spelling words in a fun way.

1 comment:

  1. I like this app. Thanks for posting it. I really liked how you broke it down and explained it well. I also appreciate how you gave examples of how to use it for science class. Being able to see the big picture is important and when purchasing or taking the time to download free apps you want to make sure your efforts are going to impact the greatest number of students.
