Saturday 9 June 2012

Class #10 Reflection

At the start of the class this week, I really had mixed feelings.  This was the last class not only of this course, but it was the last class of my Master’s program.  While I was excited that I was going to be done my Master’s after three years of courses, I was also disappointed because I have enjoyed this class so much.  In my first class reflection, I talked about my nervousness starting this course because I have never been a techno-savvy person.  I said in my first reflection that “as much as I love technology, it has always held a bit of mystery for me and for this reason, I have always been somewhat nervous of it.”
At the end of this course, I now feel so very different about technology, and especially assistive technology programs and apps.  I had been given an iPad almost 2 months before this course, but yet had barely turned it on because I didn’t know anything about it and didn’t really know what to do with it.  I was busy with PowerSchool (I told myself) and I could play with this new piece of technology later.  With the start of this course, I began to see just some of its possibilities and I was immediately hooked.  I began to play with it and download apps and began to see how I could use this technology with my students, especially as an AT tool.  
Since my course started, I have created a file at my school of apps and AT devices that as a staff, we can access in the future.  I talk with my staff regularly about AT that is available.  I have shared much of what I have learned with staff and colleagues who could use these apps/programs/devices with students currently in their classrooms.  So much of what we have discussed, teachers simply do not know about, or do not know how to use.  I know that there are many teachers who feel the same way that I did- would love to use this technology but do not know how and are nervous to learn.  Fear the unknown is a feeling that so many people have. 
I have started using so many different tools and programs with my class, such as Kidspiration, iRespond, Wordle, ComicLife, Touch Math, Co-Writer and many different apps.  Since doing this, I have had many of my parents tell me that their child has come home excited about a certain program and want to share how to use it with their parents.  Programs like Wordle have helped students with developing descriptive words and programs such as Kidspiration have helped children with developing their story writing while for some of my more advanced writers, helped with developing paragraphing.   Apps such as Math Academy, Math BINGO and Splash Math are supporting students in supporting and developing their addition and subtraction math facts with increasing speed.
Above all, this course has helped encourage me to try and experiment with new technology to help support my students.  No longer am I afraid to try new things and I am excited every day to use something that I have learned.  I am sharing new things with colleagues.  While I always knew the fact that I am not alone and there are people somewhere out there to support me, my fear of the unknown always held me back.  Now I know that it’s okay to try it on my own and if I can’t figure it out myself, I will find someone to help me.  AT and education is a collaborative approach and I am so very excited to be a part of it! J

I am adding a Wordle of words and phrases that I think of when I think of AT.  I thought that since we started with a Wordle, I wanted to add one at the end now that I have such a better understanding of AT.

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