Thursday 17 May 2012

Class #7 Reflection

I have to admit, when Barbara said that we had to read a text and then write down all of the steps we did as we read, I was surprised as to how hard this task was.  Even though I am an early elementary teacher, it took me quite a while to come up with the steps and I know that I still missed some!
Watching the videos and listening to the discussion, I was once again amazed at the complexity of our brains.  As marvelous and wonderful a fact that this is, sometimes I wish our brains were less complex in that I wish solving learning disabilities was so much easier.  I think about how many times through the year, I have worked along with a learning centre teacher and have tried to figure out how best to support a student.  We’d think that we had it sorted out and then we’d realize that it wasn’t working and then we’d have to go back to the drawing board.  Sometimes, it can be very discouraging because I feel like I am letting that student down.
Using the Kidspiration/Inspiration program was a fun way to present our information.  We often use this program in school to help students brainstorm in writing and other subjects.  It’s a wonderful program for all subjects!  I really enjoyed working with Karla…and my sister.  J  The three of us have worked together several times in different courses we’ve taken and we work well together.  It was a great collaboration of ideas and thoughts and using Kidspiration allowed us to create a great visual of components of how a person learns to read… I think, though, that we could have spent hours and hours on this and still not be done!  There is so much that affects and impacts a person in learning to read.  We only scratched the surface!

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, Kidspiration is on our computers at school as well, but I have yet to explore it. Our school is constantly trying to improve reading and writing skills and I can see how using this program would allow students to organize their thoughts and ideas. For a process that is usually explained as Step 1: Develop a Web Step 2: Make a rough draft Step 3: Edit and Revise Step 4: Good copy, there is so much more involved for students to work through the process. Programs like this could assist in making some of the steps a bit easier.
