Sunday 15 April 2012

Class #2 Reflection

In our second class, we learned how to create blogs.  I had already set mine up before class, so I had some fun adding some things, such as the aquarium, to my blog.  Before this course, I had never even looked at a blog.  Now I’m hooked on it!  I have a lot to learn, but I’m enjoying exploring and learning more about this tool.
In our class, we were divided into 6 groups.  Each group had a webinar to watch on a specific topic.  We are to create a PowerPoint for the rest of the class on our topic.  
Our topic explored Communication Disorder apps.  In the webinar, there were 6 different communication disorders.  For each disorder, various applications were identified and explained to the class.  
I have to admit that I felt slightly overwhelmed watching the webinar.  There was so much information in that short period of time.  However, on the other hand, I was fascinated by the huge variety of apps for students with disabilities and disorders, from a non-verbal disorder to autism.   Not only are there so many apps, there are different kinds of apps- not all apps are the same for a disorder.  For example, for Non-verbal/ACC students, 6 apps were introduced.  After researching additional apps for this disorder, I found many more.  Each student is unique and what works for one student may not work for another.  I thought that it was wonderful knowing that if one app does not work for a student, there are so many more options for you to access.  
In addition, these apps are so user-friendly.  Users new to the app are walked through step by step.  When I first started using Co-Writer several years ago,  I would get frustrated in the amount of steps to start the program each day for the student.  Apps are much more teacher, and student, friendly.  

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